Oriental Style Frame

jananese style wooden frameWorking on bringing some primal woodworking to my living room with a entertainment system I am currently designing. Needed a couple accent pieces for the blank areas on the one wall and wanted to bring this old world Japanese design into the mix. I always liked these old oriental woodworking design so after finding a image on line of a old Japanese style lantern, I brought that down to the work bench and started reverse engineering the design. After not to much time I found myself with my first frame. Maybe should have done a Google search but I figured it would be more fun to try myself before finding plans. I’m sure this method is not traditional but worked out really well.

jananese style frameI then made two new ones refined after my first prototype. Having some extra stubs left from an old shed I took down last year, I as able to reclaim the wood to use for this project.

During this adventure I learned that these wooden frames where assembled without any glue or nails, these are a bunch of cut stripes that are cut like puzzle pieces and after you assemble them they hold them selfs together nice, tight and sturdy.

I’ll keep you posted on there they go, and how this design will be integrated into the new entertainment system. Have to respect our ancestors.