I would have normally made this short and sweet but the days of taking the easy way out are now over. I have scrambled for years looking for a way to find some inner peace and healthier choices from all the stresses of modern technologies and the toxic lifestyle I had been living.

Well it all came back to the outdoors. Always being an outdoors guy growing up I already had the appreciations of mother nature. While continually improving my sustainability for my homestead located in a small town in New York’s Hudson Valley region. My family and I have always tried our best to use all the available resources we can. Trying to shoot for zero waste around the gardens and shop; I had learned a lot about being much more resourceful then I was when I was younger.

Now all that said and being artistic in nature woodworking was always something I had gravitated to all the time for decades. I was always very good with wood and every winter I found myself picking up new aspects of it. Wood carving I kept dabbling in and had always enjoyed. Each project ended with accomplishment and possession. Possession? This was pretty new to me. After all I’m a web developer and graphic designer by trade you can work for a month on a website and have nothing to hold in your hand. Work work work for nothing more then a bunch of bits and bytes that vanish with the simple flip of a power switch.

So when I had started crafting wood it was very gratifying, first it was a fun challenge and then ended with a hey look, I have a new hatchet handle! With the little ones now crawling and walking next was a couple puppets. I would go from challenge after challenge big and small all related to working with wood.

hand curved puppet partsAs time continues and my family grows our choices in life also continue to evolve becoming more and more aware of everything in it. Constantly thriving for pure soils, to gain pure crops, and pure meats, it all comes together in the kitchen. We hope that many others learn the importance of healthy lands, and healthy choices, bringing back all the old world living. Hence making us all have a better life and land for our children and children’s children.

I take much pride in each of my hand crafted products and hope you will enjoy these items for many many years to come!

Thank you for your interests in my products and hope you learned a little about why I do what I do.

Sincerely, From The Forest Woodworking