Good friend, good gift!

MCR_7547aMost people would look at these chucks of scrap lumber and see garbage. John and I see many opportunities. John was very kind to send me some of his own personal wood stock from Vermont. Who’s John? John has been a great client for many years and we recently realized we are two of the same. He heard I was carving spoons and couldn’t resist to send me some of his own milled stock, two of which are hard sugar maple which he harvested maple syrup from. You can see the drill holes in the stock, which causes unique patterns in the already unique maple grain patterns.

I’ll be keeping you updated on what this wood becomes, I have already tested a small slice to play with a maple coffee scoop.

First coffee scoop carved.
Second coffee scoop in middle of creation

Thanks John!

John is the owner of, a online guitar parts supplier for Fender, Gibson, Korg and many many more guitar manufactures. Need a part for your guitar? 😉

John also has a passion for wood working and has been up to his waist in wood chips with his mission on wooden bowl turning.